The Meal

Turkey breast cooked with fresh pineapples. Served with roasted sweet potatoes and a lovely green spinach & basil salad.


Turkey breastpineapplesweet potatogreen pepperbasilolive oilapple cider vinegartomato pastealmondBlack PepperCeleryLemon JuiceSea SaltSpinach

Nutrition Facts

Block 2: 2 block meat + 1 1/2 block sweet potatoes + ½ block spinach + 2 block almond
Block 3: 3 block meat + 2 1/2 block sweet potatoes + ½ block spinach + 3 block almond
Block 5: 5 block meat + 4 1/2 block sweet potatoes + ½ block spinach + 5 block almond
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