
The definition of self-discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it. Self-discipline is like a muscle. The more you train it, the stronger it becomes. The more you practice and promote self-discipline, the easier it will become to live a disciplined life. Self-discipline is not just important in the fitness realm, but it is also important to maintain discipline throughout all aspects of your life. If you live a disciplined life, you will be successful and ultimately much happier. Discipline helps you achieve your goals and pushes you to better yourself everyday. Being able to maintain discipline requires an immense amount of self-control and the mindset of mind over matter. With self-discipline, you will be able to dictate your life how you want to and be able to achieve all of your goals.

In the aspects of fitness, self-discipline is the motivator to get you to the gym even when you are tired and don’t feel like it. Discipline is you knowing not to buy that cheeseburger and eat your healthy planned dinner. Self-discipline is a mindset and if you are able to maintain this mindset, you will be able to achieve any of your fitness goals whether it’s to lose weight or be able to run a mile in 6 minutes.

Here are some tips to practice self-discipline:

  1.       Write a schedule
    •  A great way to practice discipline is by creating priorities and objectives.
    •  A schedule makes it easier to follow a specific routine and less likely to skew from routine with temptation.
  2.  Create a Goal
    •   Create a goal to either abstain from something or to do something every day. This will improve your discipline muscle and eventually make it easier to avoid temptation or easier to do an objective you would normally dread.
  3.       Accountability
    •    If you can’t be accountable on your own, have a friend be in on your goal. For instance, if you want to go on a diet ask a friend to do it with you so you will stay on track and have extra support when you want to veer off track.

Overall you can do anything you set your mind to. Self-discipline is a muscle you need to continually work at and once you get the hang of it, you will be unstoppable. The most successful people have very strong sense of self-discipline. In order to have discipline, you must practice at it every day. It is achievable. Feed your passion. Level Up.

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