The Meal

Southwest style breakfast burrito with turkey breast & eggs wrapped in a gluten free wrap.


white onionpeachesgluten free wrapTurkey breastyellow bell pepperpineapplegreen bell pepperred oniontomatocucumbercilantrolime juicegarliceggMangoRed Bell PepperSea SaltWalnut

Nutrition Facts

Block 2: 1 block egg + 1 block turkey + 2 block walnut + 1 block wrap + 1 block salsa
Block 3: 1 block egg + 2 block turkey + 3 block walnut + 1 block wrap + 2 block salsa
Block 5: 2 block egg + 3 block turkey + 5 block walnut + 2 block wrap + 2 block salsa + 1 block cucumber
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